Coco Tortoise’s Health Corner – 3 blatant excuses

Hey everyone,

Today, Coco Tortoise’s Health Corner is presenting the 3 blatant excuses that people use for letting their health go down the drain. They are very intentional and could be prevented if more care or concern is given to taking responsibility for their health.

There are many other reasons I am sure but only three will be discussed so that you will have an idea where I am coming from. I will show you how to help yourself by using specific examples. If you want to enjoy a longer and healthier lifestyle, it wouldn’t hurt reading this article in its entirety. Sometimes, it is beneficial to adhere to well-intended advice.

People live their lives making the most ridiculous excuses without a care for how family and friends could be affected. Forget about other people, it would be in your best interest to follow a path that would give you a better chance for happier and healthier living.

All it takes is an awareness of what is really going on in your environment and taking care of your health journey. Together, let’s take a look at where many of us go wrong. Then, we will also take a look at possible solutions.


What is the first excuse?

The first excuse is, “I am not an expert.”

What do you mean by that?

You don’t have to be an expert to eat good food. You just have to pay attention to what goes into your body. What’s wrong with eating lots of fruits and vegetables? There is nothing like a fresh salad rammed with natural fruits and/or vegetables.

One of my personal favorite fruit salads is made with papaya and kiwi because they are great for high blood pressure. I use this salad at least once a week. I am sharing the recipe below.


One cup of ripe chunked papaya

One cup of ripe chunked kiwi

One cup of cut up lettuce

One half cup of baby spinach

Salad dressing of your choice(optional)

Toss all ingredients together. Place on a plate or in a bowl. Drizzle with homemade salad dressing made with olive oil. white vinegar and cayenne pepper. Then, enjoy this delicious salad.

Those who want to have fish, poultry, tofu or other meats could indulge paying attention to portions.  Limit your starches and carbohydrates to control diabetes.

What is the second excuse?

The second excuse is, “I don’t have enough money to go to the doctor.

With all the free clinics at your disposal, you are telling me there is not one that you could choose from to find out about your blood, urine and stool levels, whether you have high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, heart, or thyroid issues?

NEWS OF THE DAY! High blood pressure is known as the silent killer.

Don’t you want to know why your eyes are fuzzy or why you just ran into the mailbox? You should get your eyes checked out yearly. I did after 5 years and found out that I have full blown irreversible glaucoma. Take my advice!

Also. you keep asking everyone to repeat what they just said. You might as well get your ears checked out too! Help is available. Read a little further.

Universal health care is a health care system that provides health care and financial protection to all citizens of a particular country. It is not only available to citizens who are ill but also to those who are well and need to be checked out. The idea is to have services for citizens without causing a financial burden. For more information, as an example, please take a look at Wikipedia. Check out what is available in your country and take advantage of this opportunity.

What is the third excuse?

The third excuse is, “I am planning a big event that requires all of my time right now. I just can’t schedule an appointment with Dr. XYZ.”

NEWS OF THE DAY! My black dress is always prepared to attend memorial services.

I hope you know that I am just making light humor to jolt you into the mindset of taking care of you. No one is going to do it for you. This is a something you have to do for yourself.

The black dress joke is reality. It glaringly shows that people will show up to mourn you, after you are gone! It is your job to let that dress stay hanging wherever it was hanging. They could wear it. But, let it not be for you!

I am speaking straight up, plain as daylight.

According to author Georges, “You are a treasure that needs to be checked out and given what you need to shine in all of your glory.

These 3 blatant excuses do not sit well with me, and I will not entertain them. Not being an expert, not having any money and not enough time should not prevent you from making sure your health status is verified.

Concluding Thoughts

We discussed 3 blatant excuses that people use to postpone healthcare, and solutions were offered to promote healthcare. It is easier to take care of your health now rather than wait for health issues to pop up due to procrastination. Honestly, I don’t know about you, but it seems easier.

For your health, you should make an effort to eat properly, find decent healthcare and make time to verify health status now before it is too late. Your good health is the foundation towards happy and healthy living.

Excuses will not bring beneficial results. Positive action on your part will do so. Using excuses are like travelling a well-trodden road to nowhere.

When preparing material for Coco Tortoise’s Health Corner, I always have you in mind. Recently, there is new information on how to heal leaky gut naturally by avoiding certain foods. This will be discussed in an upcoming article. Look out for this one!

If you have any question or need to make a suggestion, please leave it below in the comment area. I value you comment.

Remember this is Coco Tortoise, your friend.

Until next time, do have a great week.

Maxine 🙂

16 thoughts on “Coco Tortoise’s Health Corner – 3 blatant excuses”

  1. Hey!
    Very good article. You actually got the point in a sense how many people think about our health and how they don`t do something about it. It`s all in our heads and if we want to improve our health we can do it.

    • Hi Luka,

      With all the options available for healthcare, we certainly can take steps to improve health.

      So nice if you to stop by and leave a comment that could help others understand the value of doing something to help themselves.

      Thank you!

      All the best


  2. Maxine,

    Thank you so much for your health information! You are well on your way to having an informative and enjoyable website. I enjoyed your snippets of humor you added as well:)

    Self care is oh so important and self awareness is definitely needed in order to stop and say, “Gosh I need to make some changes and take action!”

    We have one body and time goes by so quickly.



    • Hi Petey,

      I am so glad that you had an enjoyable experience.

      You have made my day!

      My intention is to get people to understand how important it is to take care of their health.

      Excuses won’t help them to solve any problems.

      Remember to take of yourself to increase your chances for living longer.

      All the best


  3. Your post resonated with aspects of this world that I recognize too in that people have a long list of excuses why they cannot achieve certain lifestyle changes.  It is unfortunate that this practice happens, as we are so capable and powerful as human beings and sometimes stand in our own way with our list of excuses.  I love the inclusion of your kiwi salad and am an avid fruit and vegetable consumer so I will bookmark your site and give it a try.  Thank you!

    • Hi Bex,

      All I have to say is that you are a brilliant person, indeed.

      I am hoping most people realize that making excuses is like taking a road to nowhere.

      With all the healthcare options available, we can take care of our health now rather than later.



  4. Thanks for sharing helpful information about heath tips. Health is important factor always. You nicely described various information on different factor. Overall I feel good to see this kind of information.

    Self-care is Buckeye State thus vital and consciousness is certainly required so as to prevent and say, “Gosh i want to create some changes and take action!”

  5. I felt a little guilty when I read your article and will now have to go buy some kiwi and papaya!

    Love your ‘straight up, plain as daylight’ manner of talking, Coco Tortoise.  It really brings home the message, in a kindly way, that we have little excuse for not acting wisely according to what’s best for our health.

    I’m already looking forward to the leaky gut article … though I don’t rightly know what that means … but I’m sure it’s something I need to know so I’m sure you’ll soon be educating me!

    • Hey hi. Please don’t feel negative in any way.

      Guess what? Now you are aware and you will be trying out the Papaya Kiwi salad for starters.

      All journeys start at the beginning.

      Keep up with your health.



  6. This is great. I have recently given up meat and dairy. I feel a lot healthier and I am now more aware of what minerals and essential nutrients my body needs and I definitely wasn’t getting them before. My weakness is carbs but drinking enough water can really help you control your food quantities.

    It is far too easy to get caught up on the rat race and forget that you only have a finite time on this earth and only have one body. I think that if people remembered this they would take better care of themselves and others.

    • Hi Renton,

      Thank you for sharing your awesome journey.

      This is a source of encouragement for others.

      I am excited and support you for sure!

      Continue to take care of your health.

      Thumbs up!



  7. Your 3 Blatant excuses are very real aren’t they?

    I can very well remember when things were a bit tighter financially, one of the first things we did was to eat more takeaway foods and visit the doctor less. Supposedly to save money!

    In the long run preparing nutritious meals is far more healthy and inexpensive than taking the lazy way out, by buying takeaway foods. Being prepared to listen to those companies which say their food is good for you is just an excuse to be lazy. This is attitude is encouraged by us saying that we are not experts in diet and nutrition, leading to an unhealthy life.

    In reality, we now know that the long term cost of our negligence to our food intake has come at an enormous cost.

    And as far as your third excuse, there is absolutely no excuse for this attitude. There is always time for us to look after ourselves, just make an effort and find the time. Because you will get back your time later in life when you do not have to go to the doctor all the time.

  8. Hi Maxine, I too am in health care and I appreciate your blogs they are very original and down to earth, there is a great need for these type of blogs.

    I am forever researching and when I come across these type of niches it makes me very happy that others are seeing a growing need for this type of work. Our environment is highly toxic and causing a great amount of sickness. We need to stand up and take action., it is not enough that when we get sick we are running to the DR’s and only pill popping then running back to tell him these are not working and after being to the dr 10 times finally he decides to do a bit of lab work.

    Only to find out it is too late. there are uncountable stories like these I could tell you about and it has happened not once in my family but thrice. My older brother died of stomach cancer and my mother of breast cancer. The other was thyroid but in the end was able to get help while he was at death’s door all three had countable visits to the Dr’s office.

    But this is not why I am here if I can help in any way in getting the message out to the world that there is great need to pay attention to your health there is always a better way.

    • Hi Linda,

      How refreshing it is for someone in the health care field to stop by and leave a comment from real life experiences.

      This serves as confirmation on what is being said in this article. Because of experiences with our family members, we know definitely making excuses, takes us clearly from the prevention realm.

      After sickness develops, then is when people want to go to the DR. In certain instances, it is too late.

      Sickness is prevalent in the workd today and these messages are necessary. I am honored that you are taking part in helping me share them.



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