Wilma the Wishful Whisperer.

(Cover image: Wilma the Wishful Whisperer among fragrant blossoms on Mount Eagle) Dear readers, Coco Tortoise’s Health Corner is sharing a heartfelt story for our beautiful readers who have supported us throughout the previous year. Thank you so much! Without much ado, let the story begin about a favorite magical soul, Wilma: In the enchanting … Read more

Seek Positive Light.

Hello everyone, Coco Tortoise’s Health Corner is sharing a simple poem called, “Seek Positive Light” written by  Coco. It reads like this:  “We all live in this world together. And challenges do get in the way What should you do? Keep focused and you’ll find a colorful ray. Stand and accept where you are. Then, … Read more

How To Focus On Goals.

How to focus on goals

I have made some New Year 2019 health goals and I am sure you probably made some too! Coco Tortoise’s Health Corner is presenting its 1st article of the year, “How to focus on goals.” What do I mean? Simply, everything this year should center on the goals you wish to accomplish to stay healthy … Read more

Coco Tortoise’s Health Corner

Coco Tortoise's health corner

Coco Tortoise’s Health Corner is up and running again. Today, I will share 3 poems that helped me to release stress from my inner self. While working on them, they relaxed me and blocked my path to anxiety and debilitating depression. I share and start to feel much better. My poems are called “Round and Round”, “Defiled” and “It’s Over – Death”.

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