Seek Positive Light.

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Hello everyone,

Coco Tortoise’s Health Corner is sharing a simple poem called, “Seek Positive Light” written by  Coco. It reads like this:

“We all live in this world together.

And challenges do get in the way

What should you do?

Keep focused and you’ll find a colorful ray.

Stand and accept where you are.

Then, Seek Positive Light which is truth.


‘Cause it’s there to be had.

If the trees know it,

Why don’t you?

Keep moving and growing tall by being persistent

And determined to achieve your goals.

It’s the best way to gain success.

Reach out always and Seek Positive Light.

Only then will your dreams come true.”  – Coco Tortoise

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What Are You Dreaming For?

This poem came from my heart because after receiving news from my ophthalmologist I needed an outlet. Maybe it could help someone  who is feeling a bit under the weather or is having a health problem as I do and you just don’t know where to turn.

Here are some questions to consider:

1/  Could it be that the task of managing a health issue is getting worse?

2/  Could it be that you want to give up because of frustration and disappointment?

3/  Could it be that you are overwhelmed and feel a sense of helplessness?

4/  Could it be that what you are dreaming for seems impossible?

If any of your answers are yes, then I am here to tell you how to turn things around by having FAITH.

FAITH is what you are hoping or dreaming for. But it hasn’t happened yet.


Maybe one day with strategy is what you need to get over a hump.

F  –  follow and pray to God daily.

A  –  act with love and kindness.

I   –  inspire others to walk with God.

T  –  trust in God totally.

H  –  have a spiritual journey with God.

I have no idea what your faith life looks like and that’s not important right now.  What’s important is you taking action and following my simple advice. Before trying anything, PRAY TO YOUR SUPER POWER/SOURCE ABOUT THE MATTER.


Let me share a little story about what happened to my friend Tonia.

How Tonia Got Help.

Tonia was stranded far away from home with no job and no family. Life was very hard for her. But, She did the best with her scanty resoutces. She wanted to return home desperately. Four months away from her family, friends and home were so unbearable.

Tonia decided to visit the nearby cathedral for comfort daily around the same time. A beautiful lady visited then also and made friends with her. Their friendship blossomed like rays from the sunshine.

“This is the light at the end of a dark tunnel. Something  good comes after months of misery.”

Hold on. There is more to the story.

Apparently, the lady’s  brother was suffering with an ailment for a long time.

Tonia offered  her herbal secrets that helped her brother’s ailment.

Now  can you guess how Tonia got help to go home?

Melon , the beautiful lady helped Tonia. That’s how having faith works.

This is one of many positive stories in the world. Many good things happen through people.

Concluding Thoughts

Today I shared Coco’s poem which is a message of faith very simple to understand.

We also discussed  there’s always a way to make life better especially when you seek positive light. In most cases de-stressing helps to improve your health

Do you agree?

If you enjoyed reading with me, please leave a comment below. Your  feedback is much appreciated.

Together we can make a difference.



8 thoughts on “Seek Positive Light.”

  1. Thank you for sharing this story. Very inspiring!

    God does have an answer for us, in every situation, but we must pray and then trust Him completely in order to receive what He has for us. And we can be His instruments in helping others, too, if we follow the promptings he puts in our hearts.

  2. Hello, very nice article inspiration and motivation to be better and to seek better every day. I agree that Faith and work is important. I liked your thoughts and your post. Congratulations! 🙂

  3. A very good post and story. I have seen many miracles in my life. I had 4 bypasses at 43. Doctors said they couldn’t understand why I was still alive. I told them, because he’s not done with me yet. Two other doctors told me I wouldn’t make it to 50 and I turned 60 last year, He’s still not done with me yet. There is still a purpose that I’m here. I thank God every day for letting me see my 3 sons grow up and now I have 9 grandbabys growing up. God is good, even thru all the struggles he has kept me going. Thank You for today’s inspiration.

    • Hey Larry,

      That’s right!

      He’s not done with you yet.

      Miracle after miracle took place in your life. These are not by accident. They serve a higher purpose that we could only imagine

      Could it be that by saving you He is showing others His power to save the world one person at a time, if necessary?


      Could it be that He needs you to do something for Him soon?

      Throughout it all, you have remained faithful to the cause, whatever it may be. Don’t ask me why I just said that.

      Truthfully, I do not know. But without a doubt, He’s not done with you yet.

      Seek positive light always,

  4. This is a very motivational article and I am more than happy I was able to read this today, I feel so much better inside now than before I came on your website.



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